Eco Friendly Mobile Catering Vehicle
The Munch Buggy is an innovation in the world of Golf Catering Mobiles, this product was conceived and developed by Cooper8 Ltd, designers specialising in the hospitality industry It is a unique product in its field.
From the Munch Buggy you can sell hot food, cold drinks, ice creams and hot teas and coffees, all actively controlled and maintained within temperature guidelines.
You have total mobility and can bring over a £1000’s worth of product to your customers, in a compact and carefully designed space, using best quality commercial catering equipment.
This eco friendly mobile catering vehicle sets itself apart from other food buggy solutions with its ability to hold hot and cold food and beverages for longer and all run from clean battery power
Simply charge overnight, fill the water tank in the morning, load up and you are ready to go…..
Designed for Heritage Sites, Zoo’s, Low Emission City Centres, Parks, Golf Courses and Children’s Areas.

‘The Munch Buggy Electric Catering Vehicle came about because of a need that the National Trust had. We required a solution to get refreshments to our ‘honey pot’ areas, using an eco-friendly vending vehicle. These were areas on our properties that we recognised as having potential for additional sales that would complement our main café outlets’
‘We are using the Munch Buggy in two different scenarios.
The Munch Buggy provides opportunity for an additional revenue stream at our Poult Wood Golf Club where we take it to a prime selling spot where two tee off points and two greens converge.
In winter it will be transferred to the nearby sports pitches to test the market there for food and beverage’
‘The Munch Buggy has been a real asset to the catering hospitality we offer at the club.
It’s easy to use, reliable, and appreciated by both staff and members. The support from Cooper8 Ltd has been invaluable’
The continual evolution of modern, eco-friendly catering solutions means that the word ‘innovation’ is never too far from being uttered.
It is not always the self-cleaning ovens or digitalised dishwashers that can make the biggest difference to a business.
It is said that ‘necessity’ is the mother of ‘innovation’… a need to find a better more eco-friendly way of doing things. Enter The Munch Buggy.

Interactive Vehicle Diagram
Please hover over a green dot on the diagram of our Eco Friendly Mobile Catering Vehicle below to view detail.

Hook on Display
Additional product display area, flexible in layout. They can be arranged to support additional shelves, display bins, & euro hooks.
Insulated Hot & Cold Storage Container
Option for additional insulated containers for hot & cold product.
Water-fill point
Water-fill point for easy-fill to 40lt water tank.

Menu Board
Easy-lift menu board that can be printed or chalked.
Ambient Product Display
Enhanced product display area with optional wicker baskets & LED lighting for evening functions.
Heated Display
Heated display unit enables you to provide a selection of temperature controlled hot snacks, from pies & sausage rolls to sausage & bacon baps.
Automatic Fill Water Boiler
WRAS approved commercial water boiler that can deliver 20 litres of hot water per hour, the equivalent of 80 x 250ml (8oz) cups.
Patented refrigerated drawer that can easily switch between refrigeration & freezer.
A unique product in the commercial catering industry with accurate temperature control.

Hook on Display
Additional shelves & baskets, flexible in layout.
They can be arranged to support a coffee shelf, waste bin, & condiment baskets.
Demountable ‘Munch Buggy’ housing
Allows the housing to be removed for easy access to service and maintain the base vehicle.
Electric Charging Point
Charge overnight with easy-connect charge point.
Electric Vehicle
The Munch Buggy base vehicle is battery operated, zero emissions, & low noise
Key Features
Lithium Battery Pack
Low Noise
Accurate Temperature Control
Save on CO2 Emissions
Flexible Food & Beverage Offer
Simple to Operate
Zero Emissions
Save on Petrol Costs
Interchangeable Fridge & Freezer
Easy to Drive
Demountable Housing
Save on Generator Costs
Get in Touch
Please get in touch using our contact form & email or by phone.
Tel: 01424 422784